Clean & Serene

An Online 21-Day Mindfulness, Meditation and Breathwork Reset

If you are a BUSY woman in recovery who wants more clarity, less stress and profound emotional healing quickly with proven techniques then join us for this online program so you can boost your self-care while building the life of your dreams!

Here’s what you’ll learn…

…in the Clean & Serene program

  • Get clarity on your most pressing issues
  • Learn to breathe deep and truly relax
  • Apply grounding techniques for hyper-vigilance and triggers
  • Learn techniques for healing trauma 
  • Translate powerful mindfulness methods into real world circumstances
These women have the ability & higher guidance to create powerful space for healing… I feel safe, nurtured & willingness to lean completely in to my process.
Tina M.

Benefits of Virtual Program.

  • Get access from anywhere at any time
  • Combination of structure and freedom
  • Built especially for busy women
  • Greater flexability and comfort
  • Immediate feedback on learning


 To our amazing recovery community!

It’s easy to get into a routine when times are good. It’s also easy to forget to take the time to ask ourselves if the way we’re running our life is sustainable.

And if there’s a hidden gem at all in this pandemic – it’s that it’s pushing us to redefine ourselves and rediscover our heart’s desires and what we want. 

Throughout the program, you’ll be lovingly guided by experienced practitioners, making it much easier to wisely choose the kind of support that will help you take your recovery to that next level and develop the life, career and business you desire. The practitioners are trained in trauma-informed care and understand the impact trauma has on a person’s ability to feel safe and trust people and places.

So, If you know it’s time to take your recovery to that next level, you’re going to love the supportive, positive program from Shamay and Kia and the accountability and inspiration you’ll get during these 21- days of mindfulness, meditation and breathwork together!

So is this program for you?

YES, if you are ready to…

  • Consistently show-up for yourself in compassionate and nurturing ways
  • Make deep connections with others and have more fulfilling relationships
  • Decrease your stress and anxiety
  • Prioritize your health and wellness, feeling energized and more self-assure
  • Find the courage to follow your hopes and desires
  • Allot time and space for your own healing and wellbeing
  • Willing to put it the work for rapid healing
  • Ready to heal emotional and mental blocks
  • Open to new and revolutionary ways of health and wellness

Does all that sound like you? Then by all means join us on this amazing healing journey!

 With mindfulness, meditation and breathing techniques you will prioritize and practice self-care (mind, body and spirit) so you can have the energy and confidence to really go for what you have always wanted!

What’s Included

RIGHT FROM THE START you’ll get instructions and guidance with Shamay or Kia to get your 21- day rapid healing action plan nailed down. There will be homework everyday for 21-days!

  • 21-Days of DAILY audio recorded meditations 
  • Daily ACCOUNTABILITY partnership, We expect to see and hear from you! In our private Facebook group we’ll be answering questions and helping you implement your game plan.
  • LIVE ZOOM instructions and coaching. We expect to see you on at least ONE of these calls
  • 21-Day Mindfulness Workbook
  • Daily Breath Techniques


Personal Guided Meditation made just for you!

Early-bird price $197 save $100!!

During this special time, this program is only $197 USD! This is the last time you will see this program at this price!


What am I going to get done in the program?

  • You’ll take the time to uncover and clear out any old behaviors or beliefs that are stopping you from taking meaningful action toward your biggest goals.
  • You’ll gain techniques to cope in any situation 
  • You’ll learn methods for mind, body and spirit wellness so you will have more energy to take action on your brilliant ideas. 
  • You will learn how to manage or even drop that hectic schedule, delegate tasks and know when to say NO to others! You will finally have time to vacation and even staycation with yourself and others. 
  • You’ll have more time to pursue interests that fulfill and delight you. You’ll know how to prioritize time for what’s important to you – whether it’s your family, your hobbies or your dreams.
  • You will learn task-oriented goal-setting so you can have a road map to making progress on your own greatest desires.
  • You’ll learn the power of reflective journaling, finally be able to slow down, and recognize the patterns that are keeping you from getting what you want in life. 
  • You will study how to apply the principles of surrender and acceptance. Learn how to take that proverbial “chill pill”. You’ll let people “do” them while you are doing you. You’ll begin to imagine a life where you are truly relaxed. 


Is this program for YOU? YES! IF…

  • You know yourself well enough to realize you need hand-holding, SUPPORT and ACCOUNTABILITY to master mindfulness tools, self-care and detox.
  • You don’t want to mess around trying to FIGURE IT ALL OUT on your own, wasting your precious time and money trying to clarify and piece it all together.
  • You are committed to FULLY PARTICIPATING in your healing and fast-tracking your recovery so you can build the life of your wildest dreams!

I had an AMAZING time at this retreat. For me it was life changing! So spiritual, so much connection. I believe this is the best investment I have ever made in myself!

Sarah Z.

And this program is NOT for you if…

  • You’re not willing to move past your COMFORT ZONE and challenge yourself to be all you can be in this lifetime…
  • You tend to give up and blame others rather than act when faced with OBSTACLES or DIFFICULTIES
  • You don’t see the VALUE in investing in yourself, your business, or your future…
  • You aren’t willing to learn new SKILLS because you’ve decided to settle for less.
  • Your fear of succeeding (or failing) is greater than your desire to be FREE from the chains that bind you and keep you stuck in the same, old same-old.

I can’t thank Kia and Shamay enough for sharing their experiences and creating a safe space for women in recovery to learn and practice breath work. These two ladies are awesome facilitators. They go above and beyond to make this intimate experience feel warm, safe and peaceful. I fully recommend these Two Sound Women to any woman looking to make a positive change in your life.

Kim G.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and how long does it run?

[insert date] 

Who is teaching the program?

Shamay and Kia co-founders of Two Sound Women.

What format is the course? How is the program delivered?

Is there a Facebook Group for this program?

Will we get personalized help?

Yes, with the program you get 1:1 support from either Kia or Shamay.

How much time does each call take?

How much time would I need to spend each week to go through all the material?

Will you be offering this program again?

About Us

Shamay Thomas

Compassionate, dedicated, and driven healthcare professional with experience working with diverse populations. 10+ years of life, health and wellness coaching experience. Over 16 years of transformational recovery from self-abusive patterns and behaviors. Meditation practitioner and facilitator. Enthusiastic and dedicated to helping others achieve their goals and lost dreams. Passionate about helping others find connection with others, and joy within themselves.

Kia King

Zen body therapist. 12+ years of massage practitioner experience, facilitating health and well-being through body work. Meditation practitioner and meditation instructor. Over 20 years experience in recovery. Has helped women find positive personal growth and profound life changes. Exceptional at coaching and supporting them on reducing self-harm associated with negative thoughts and behaviors, recovering from old habits, improving their present life, and reaching goals for the future.

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Copyright © 2021 Two Sound Women

Website developed by Theresa Kibler.